Thursday 5 April 2007

Lead calling techniques

Well tonight our Usana group is having phone techniques practice session. I must admit I have called a few people in the comfort of my home but in front of my team is another thing. The butterflies are on the move in my stomach, with some courage and a few pointers we will see how things go. Knowing this is a major hurdle for me to cross,with some help from my usana team it will become easier. My wife and I started the home based business in December 2006 with a 3 year plan to grow to our desired level of income. This is not the first business idea we looked at. We considered franchises and buying an existing business. Usana is certainly the most affordable to start a home based business, we new no one would hand it to us on a silver platter and say there you go. We had a team of people who we could refer to and help us along the way. We looked at the business like an apprenticship this being the first year of our apprenticeship we are very green but determined. If anything we are a little anxious we have tryed different ways of marketing almost signing up one associate. It was hard to feel all that excitement after the paperwork was formalized and then it all fall through. It felt like one step forward and three steps back. Never the less we are still here committed more than ever as our dream is to make this work for us. Turning it into reality and making our dreams come true is our goal.

Steven Jarvie

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